
I will be using an activity based curriculum that is developmentally appropriate for children who are ages 3-5. It teaches fundamental skills that children need to know and love to learn! Life Science skills, Life skills, and Pre-K skills are the three core components that I will focus on.

LIFE SCIENCE SKILLS: Each weekly life science theme such as Vehicles, Astronomy, Baking or Oceans, offers fun activities and will expand children's knowledge of the world so they can feel comfortable with their place in it.

LIFE SKILLS: Each day the children engage in a lesson with puppets or games, helping them practice vital life skills like Hygiene, Health, Sharing, Time and Safety.

PRE-K SKILLS: Each activity aims to teach children the critical Pre-K skills needed to succeed in school later on, such as learning to write, understanding simple math, and also knowing their letters, sounds, numbers, shapes and colors among other things.

Daily Schedule:
Circle Time (Welcome, calendar, weather, sharing time)
Lesson Time (Letter, shape, color, number)
Life Skills Lesson
Theme Activity (group theme based activity)
Discovery Centers
- Arts/Play-doh center
- Writing Center
- Math Center
- Quiet Reading/Games, Blocks and Puzzles Center
Music and Movement (Singing, dancing, instruments etc.)
Creative Time (Arts and Crafts)
Snack Time
Free play (Large motor skills)